Recently I gave a slideshow presentation on "Rust / Wasm: On Serverless & Frontend" to the Rust Miami Meetup. My thanks to the Meetup organizer Eugenio Alvarez for inviting me to be a speaker. You can download a copy of the slide deck in PDF format from my Rust and WebAssembly research webpage.
Eugenio is also the Organizer of the Miami Java User Group. Back around the period of the dot-com boom, I used to be the leader of a number of Java User Groups (JUGs), including the Game Developers Java User Group and the Silicon Valley Java User Group (SVJUG). These days I am seeing some of the same energy around Rust that I saw with Java back then.
When I first started with Java back in 1996, I would get hired by small software publishers of Web browser and desktop applications. They wanted code that could run on Apple Macintosh, Microsoft Windows, Netscape Navigator, and Internet Explorer. Java could do that because it could run on any platform with a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) runtime.
WebAssembly (Wasm) is the new JVM. Whereas Java no longer runs in the browser, Wasm runs on all platforms including desktop, server, and serverless. It is also comes wrapped in a security sandbox, which I appreciate from my past experience some decades ago implementing Java-based mobile agent frameworks.
Speaking of mobile, using a programming language that can run on any platform gives software developers career mobility. Right now, Rust is the best language to use to write applications compiled to Wasm. That is why I say:
Rust + Wasm = Mobility