Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Advent of Spin 2023

Recently I participated in the Advent of Spin 2023, an annual holiday-themed coding challenge hosted by Fermyon.  I wrote Rust code, compiled it to WebAssembly (Wasm), and then deployed the code as Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) serverless components running in the Fermyon Cloud.  The source code is available from my GitHub repository advent-of-spin.

Yesterday I presented a slideshow to the Dallas Rust User Meetup (DRUM) in which I described my solutions to the coding challenges.  This was in preparation for my being the guest speaker today on the YouTube show Fermyon Cloud Office Hours.  My thanks to the DRUM Members (DRUMMers) for their attention and feedback and my thanks to the employees of Fermyon for running this event.


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