Sunday, July 17, 2022

The Rust Book

Tonight I finished reading The Rust Programming Language, informally known as "The Rust Book", by Steve Klabnik and Carol Nichols with contributions from the Rust Community.  The print copy published by No Starch Press covers the 2018 Edition of Rust.  There is also a free online version which is updated continuously.

I had started reading the Rust book last year and made it three-quarters of the way through.  This year I restarted from the beginning so I could refresh on the fundamentals.  It helped me understand a couple of Rust game programming books that I was reading simultaneously.

The book is well written with many code examples which are described in detail.  The authors ease the readers into the subject but then rapidly advance to more complicated topics in later chapters.  I assume that this is because they wanted to cover the entire programming language in just over five hundred pages.

I searched the Web to see if there is a second edition of the book coming out that covers the 2021 Edition of the Rust programming language.  Apparently there is not so I might start reading the online version for the updates and to review the material.  To help take me to the next level, I ordered from the same publisher Rust for Rustaceans: Idiomatic Programming for Experienced Developers by Jon Gjengset.

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